
Social Leadership and the race to change the world (into one that we all want)

There are a number of loose definitions of Social Leadership and Social Leaders, but for me the definition is clear: Social Leaders recognise their developing context, marry it with their own value to the world, and then act to create positive and generative change for those around them. To do this effectively they draw on Social Technologies, tools and skills that allow them to observe, assess, decide and act.

Social Leaders recognise their developing context, marry it with their own value to the world, and then act to create positive and generative change for those around them.

I teach Social Leadership and develop Social Leaders in my own practice as a coach and strategist. Through my own practice there is a growing body of thought, work and tooling that has not yet conformed to a complete framework.

So this journal is in itself a journey, a place to prescence with the themes as they emerge, with the expectation that they will coalesce into a coherent whole.