Tools For The Emerging Social Leader

Delivery and Sales are Never Strategy

January 10th, 2024

When looking to create strategic priorities in an established business, neither making sales nor delivering product should be foci.

In just the same way that breathing is rarely a strategic priority for a healthy adult, sales and delivery are the respiration of our business and their daily activities there should be enough attention on them to continue indefatigably.

This is particularly significant in small teams where a sales lead or a delivery lead may have other responsibilities within the team. If they work on the basis that making sales or delivering product is itself a strategic act, then the important structural work never gets done.

Making improvements to sales or delivery may be strategic focus in our businesses for a period, but this is not to be confused with the daily activities.

Thought for the day: Growth and Scale

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Quote - Chris Hipkins

September 27th, 2023 — It's easy to people who have more than you. It's much, much harder to see people who have less than you.

The source of big failures. . .

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Leadership and Context

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